Assalamualaikum :')

HIIII PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehehe, rindu kite tak? rindu en en en? alololo omeynyaa awak. mehh nak bagi kiss setepek! lol okay. ehem jap nak nyanyi happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEE happy birthday to myself!!! lol whutt? hahaha.

okay semalam 8 Ogos 2012 is my birthday :) tak sambut pun. just haritu Iftar dgn my girls and diorang beli cake for my birthday. hehe. and my yayang gave me a birthday present. teddy bear warne purple. dark purple. but pink pink sikit.. so baby, hows your day? doing fine? i'm kinda fine in here. maybe.

i just got tooooooo many problems :') and i dont have anyone to talk to :'/ hm. its okay lah. i'm okay. ehh i will be okay soon. it just.. ahhh takde apa :') hehe. so dah lama en tak update belog? shian my belog terabai :) sorry baby, i just tooo busy with twitter :p hahaha

entah kenapa tetibe rasa nak update belog. maybe its because i just need someone to share my problem and yeahh dekat belog lah tempat yg boleh aku share everything i felt. i dont blame God sebab bagi dugaan mcm ni dekat diri aku. cause i know Allah sayangkan aku. and dia takkan bg dugaan dkt hambanya yg tak mampu :')

lately i just dont feel the happiness. aku rasa aku sorang2. aku rasa mcm aku takda kawan. rasa mcm no one understand me. no one hear my problems. no one know my pain. no one. no ONE. it just me, myself and i. penat pendam mcm ni. penat rasa mcm ni. penat. sakit. sakit!!!!

hm.. dah tak larat nak ckp apa dah. entah kenapa hati ni rasa mcm WHY ME. WHYY! dalahh. bye

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